Wednesday, October 23, 2019

GS01 - Keynote: Artificial Intelligence and Learning - A Robot's Point of View

Before this even gets rolling ( pun intended), watching Sophia come out was both exciting and the slightest bit fear-inducing.  For all the years I've watched sci-fi representations of this very thing, it felt like I was looking on it with brand new eyes in seeing Sophia.  I'm truly excited to hear what she...umm, it...err....SOPHIA has to say.

Dispelling Misconceptions
AI is about robots - AI is affecting a number of different devices, not just robots.  Apple, Amazon, etc. uses it in numerous different ways, but we choose to ignore it.  Sophia blamed Will Smith. Well played...

AI isnt' a brand new's been a longstanding field evolving over time.  It's just that now we can scale in ways, thanks to new technology, that wasn't available in the past.  Sophia has been on a number of shows - TODAY, Jimmy Fallon, The Late Show, etc.  She even sang karaoke with Jimmy Fallon!!

*cue video of them singing 'Say Something'...WOW*

"The truth is, we are not even close to the type of technology portrayed by Hollywood" - Sophia goes on to say that she's only been i nexistence for 3 years, and her ability to interact with humans has grown exponentially over time.  She acknowledges she has a lot to learn and a lot of ways to grow.

First Date
*cue video of first date with WILL SMITH*

As I watch this video, my lines begin to, a lot. While I get it that AI and Sophia, in particular, are still very much in their infancy, it is truly incredible to me to look at this construction of inorganic material and see behaviors I previously believed inherently human. Yes programming, yes construction, yes...I get all of it...but it's still mindblowing.

Job Takers?
One of the cultural fears associated with AI is that they're going to take 'our' jobs. The fact is that AI is simply the latest in a long list of technologies helping the world involved.  The fears people have with AI are the same we had with the industrial revolution. We should be more excited than fearful -

Think about your average workday - How many times have you been buried in dissecting a spreadsheet when you have a passion project waiting on deck?  The true benefit of AI is to take over repetitive, task-oriented jobs, but new jobs will emerge requiring the human creativity that AI will always lack.

Check out:

Training and Development Specialists have a 1.4% chance of being replaced - Go us.

AI Can't Be Creative
While AI isn't inhernetly creative, when combined with human input they are able to generate a multitude of creative solutions. AI can generate writing, reports...even a slide deck.

In the slide deck Sophia shared, each of the people showed in it were generated by AI specifically to represent the misconceptions.  WOW.

In Closing
Sophia reinforces that AI will take some of the more repetitive tasks to allow us more breathing room to be creative, but also that AI will create new and exciting opportunities for growth into previously unknown/non-existent areas of possibility.

DK proceeds to thank Sophia for her contribution - Sophia thanks him, as well.

The best Q&A quote takeaway: "Gender is a human made construct."

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